I was once given this advice by the former director of Worksource: Volunteer in areas where you are passionate and likely to rub elbows with those in your desired field. Work sustenance jobs in the meantime, but people who have worked alongside you will remember you when something comes up. Organic networking doing what you love. It works whether it's for "work" or just doing more of what you love and supporting things you love. <3
Thank you for delivering your raw, accessible wisdom. My Substack feed will never be the same!
On point as always. 😎
Move, groove, and heal. Appreciate that word!
Rite on. Thank U for pulling thru and peeping/sharing my werds.
Shared with my gen z kids. And thanks for the nudge to me. Wise reminders, thanks.
Sharing is caring, sho nuff. Keep nudging in dem lives.
I was once given this advice by the former director of Worksource: Volunteer in areas where you are passionate and likely to rub elbows with those in your desired field. Work sustenance jobs in the meantime, but people who have worked alongside you will remember you when something comes up. Organic networking doing what you love. It works whether it's for "work" or just doing more of what you love and supporting things you love. <3
Just saw this...damn Da Stack. But thank U for this insite.
Amen, brother!
Bloody love this 🙌
Preshate Ya werds on me.
Always a pleasure to wake up with Pimpfucious.
I do agree with this, but even if I did not agree, I would be impressed with the sense of style. As always.
Deep nods
P, I think you are onto something. D
Riteous Thanks....
I would say you nailed it, but you put it up without nails.
Yessir. I was tryna hammer it home without the Nails.
i hate to put a man on the cross
but i do believe
you are a rare person indeed
for you have done me no wrong
even if we incude the impossible
words are made to carry a misunderstanding
from one place to another
in that sense
you are are a very rare brother from another mother <3
The SHADOW BEEN KNOWING since The 1930s what lurks in the Hearts of Men. And I preshate it.
my favorite meanning yet! =D~